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About our Laboratory










We work on both research and design-build projects, we are thinking about circular architecture from the viewpoint of building production, materials and construction methods. We think about how to use materials that are "available nearby" in a "recyclable" way, In other words, we consider production and construction methods that make use of natural materials, demolition materials and old materials. In particular, there is an accumulation of research on construction using earth and plastering methods, including research on traditional and indigenous construction methods.

We have also started research on building production methods and players that contribute to recycling-oriented construction.

The Yamada Miyadori Laboratory at Waseda University started in the 2020 academic year (2016-2019: Faculty of Architecture, Kindai University). The research method mainly consists of fieldwork, such as actual measurements and interviews, and experiments. The laboratory places great importance on hands-on experience with actual buildings and materials.

The Team


​准教授 山田宮土理

Associate Professor / YAMADA, Midori

2008年早稲田大学建築学科卒業,2010年早稲田大学 修士課程修了,2014年早稲田大学 博士後期課程 修了,2014-2016早稲田大学建築学科 助手,2016-2019近畿大学建築学部 助教,2019-2020近畿大学建築学部 講師,2020年4月より現職.博士(工学)


助手 森下啓太朗 

M2   江守駿佑 

M2 熊田英梨嘉 

M2   松矢里緒 

M2   馬渕康輝 

M2   劉小源 

M1 菊池智也

M1 髙橋遼真

M1 水野結子

M1 村上きこ

M1 KARIMI Hanieh

M1 趙 穎達

科目等履修生 羅 斐然

B5 坂上亮馬

B4 猪俣雄太

B4   植田晴帆

B4   佐藤航太

B4   廣瀬由奈

B4   本多海華

B4   松下大輝

B4   山波力丸

B4   上野雅生

B4   田島武

B4   田中幹久


D3 森下啓太朗 

M2 服部ほの花 

​M2 松尾莉絵 

M1   有村美千路 

M1   江守駿佑 

M1 熊田英梨嘉 

M1   野村涼ロバート 

M1   松矢里緒 

M1   馬渕康輝 

M1   劉小源

​M1 Haocheng Tong 

​科目等履修生 張文池

B5  富山和郎 

B4  伊藤光乃​ 

B4  大森日菜乃

B4  菊池智也

B4  斎藤瑛紀

B4  坂上亮馬

B4  髙橋遼真

B4  松本紗季

B4  水野結子

B4  村上きこ

B4  森 瑠璃


D2 森下啓太朗 Keitaro Morishita

M1 服部ほの花 Honoka Hattori

​M1 松尾莉絵 Rie Matsuo

B4  赤荻仁一 Jinichi Akaogi

B4  有村美千路 Michiru Arimura

B4  江守駿佑 Shunsuke Emori

B4  熊田英梨嘉 Erika Kumada

B4  酒井愛香 Manaka Sakai

B4  富山和郎 Kazuo Tomiyama

B4  野村涼ロバート Rio Robert Nomura

B4  花島健 Ken Hanashima

B4  番匠谷紘行 Hiroyuki Banshoya

B4  松矢里緒 Rio Matsuya

B4  馬渕康輝 Koki Mabuchi

B4  與謝野剛 Takeru Yosano



D1 森下啓太朗 MORISHITA, Keitaro

B4 萩小田大我 HAGIODA, Taiga

B4 服部ほの花 HATTORI, Honoka

​B4 松尾莉絵 MTSUO, Rie

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